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Contact Us

Please note: I'm a Goldy Local person helping Surfers Paradise Businesses for free. 
My Contact email 

To update a listing that's already on our Blog isn't a problem. 
For New or Old listings send a Wide Screen Photo with Brief information or Transcript, Opening Hours, Website URL, Menu URL and Phone number. I will do the Website listing for you for free. 
The Exact GPS address is very important as most people use Google Maps App on Mobil Phones to find a Place.
 If you need help I can update your address via Google maps for you. 

I'm a Google Maps Contributor for Surfers Paradise, I can update information and move the GPS location for you if it is incorrect.
On the website is a Paypal Button and Bitcoin link. Yes I love Donations $$$

Sorry, some personal information has been removed from the blog, Overseas and local criminals have tried to fleece money from us. 
Warning to criminals AFPolice have been informed

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* We use Google 'reviews *